Friday, December 12, 2008

thebloggers hangover

i did have one hell of a hangover. I don't know if it was because i went so far outside my norm or it reminds me of when i was younger and i could handle it. For whatever it was i ain't complaining. and ytou make all your animals feel to be thick as a brick. Sorry, just getting into some Tull while i try ro write. It ain't going so good so i hjad to let the Tull go for a minute. Im hope th3e feds don't come after me. That word looked almost likr jihad. ALL i need to know is that if there is one person out there reading my blogs i want to know. If not, I will stop wasting my rime. I can't get nothing past me, believe me , i have heard all my stories. So, if you like it, let me know,okay? later, theblogmeister

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

blogged: A true story

My name is Stan. That is not my real name but I will use it because what I have to say may get me arrested. It is also the name of a friend's dad that i went to hi school with, besides, it's cool. Stan. Yeah, that's me. When I first started this blogging crap i was coming out the gate like a bat out of hell. Post every nite. Spell check. The whole thing. Then it came to me some 6 months later. Ain't a damn soul reading my posts. I had to ask myself, Stan, what the hell are you doing? Nite after nite sitting here trying to make sense out of something i quit trying to make sense out of a long time ago. Make sense? Hell No! se what i mean? 5 months ago i would have added that other e. Now? fuck it. I ain't pleasing nobody but me. fuck, fuck, fuck!!! the whole idea about blogging is it is a lot like logging. you work your ass off for nothing. So, I may as well hav3e fun doing it. where did that 3 come from? where was i? the reason was theraputic in nature. I help myself by telling others of my terrible trauma that has fucked up my head and made me want drugs. lots of drugs. no matter the drug. generic, name brand,i lik'em all. well these drugs caused what we call in the military, collateral damage. you figure it out. i don't care. the question i know must be on the lips of every man, woman, and child that is reading this here post must be, Do I have to pay for this?No. This one is on me. Later, theblogmeister