Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Late last night I was sitting in my living room and kept seeing something out of the corner of my eye. The object was coming from my office where I had left a lamp on. From my position on my recliner I could barely see into my office. While watching TV on several occasions I saw a shadow move across my line of sight. I got up, went into the office and could not find anything out of the ordinary. These shadows kept appearing for close to an hour. I showed no fear and let the shadows know it. I did not see anymore shadows. That convinced me, again, that showing no fear will make the spirits uncomfortable. For years all I showed was fear and what I got in return was more visits. I want to face the colonel, once again, but I do not think he will show himself because he knows that I am not afraid of him. I need to do some research on these visits and their strengths. I worked in the hospital when I met the colonel. I have found a story that you may be interested.

While workers in the medical field have to be some of the most rational and logical individuals of any field, if you spend some time with anyone who deals with death and dying you will eventually come across some very strange and odd stories.
Whether it be care assistants, nurses or even physicians themselves there are many in the medical field that have an amazing story to tell.
The problem is getting them to tell it.
Like in any other field of work there are many of those who doubt and mock the stories of the unexplained. And perhaps those in the medical profession are more suspect of such stories; since many are surrounded by death and dying constantly but few ever have an unexplained experience. And unless you are a good friend most of those who experience the paranormal at the medical workplace will keep quite about their experiences.
But if you are fortunate to have them share their brief encounters with the unexplained, you often find they are some of the most heartwarming and assuring you have ever encountered.
Pearl had worked at the hospital for more than 20 years, and was used to switching shifts. When she was younger she hated the night shift if only for the reason that she had a young family to care for and she hated leaving her children with a sitter. But now as she was older and her children were in college, she saw the night shift as a relaxing and peaceful time to care for her patients and have the ability to actually finish all of her paperwork. Being a floor that was home to many terminally ill patients, it did have its times of stress and chaos. But most of the time she would be at her desk or assisting some of the other nurses in caring for those who were about to cross the mortal veil.
Many times she became very close to the patients that she tended, especially with those who still had their mental abilities unimpeded during their stay on the ward. It was very hard to get to know and appreciate these patients only to loose them within a few weeks, but that was the nature of the job.
Roger had terminal cancer, but was still coherent and mobile when he came to the floor. Even though walking was very difficult for him, he took at least two or three walks around the hall during Pearl’s shift. He would walk around and joke other patients and flirt with all the pretty nurses. With his cordial attitude and carefree humor he won the hearts of all he socialized with. Sometimes he was the only friendly face and comforting voice besides the faculty that some of the other patients had seen all day.
When he became too sick to do his daily walks, the other patients sorely missed him. His inability to be mobile also had an effect on his morale and he deteriorated very quickly. It was less than a week later that he was dead.
A few days after Roger’s passing Pearl head one of the patients carrying on a conversation by himself, intermingled with uproarious laughter. This in and of itself was nothing too uncommon, many of the clients on the floor had dementia and often relived their past or carried on an existence living in an unseen fantasy world. But Pearl knew this patient to never have an incident of dementia; he had a clearer mind than she did most of the time. So she entered the room to investigate. When asked what all the commotion was the patient told Pearl that Roger had been ‘a card’ tonight and he cheering him up. The man pointed at the chair next to his bed and then sat up with surprise.
“Where did he go?” he asked looking quickly left to right for his friend, “He was sitting right here…”
When she informed him that Roger had passed away days ago the man was insistent that there had to be some kind of mistake, Roger was there just moments before and he had seen him for the last few days. “He said he was feeling a lot better, I was worried because I hadn't seen him in a while.”
The staff normally did not notify any other patient if there was a death on the ward, those who remained did not need to know and it would cause their morale to drop. And some of the patients were clinging on by a sliver of hope. So the man had no idea previously that Roger had died. He insisted that the he had visited him.
Within the next coming weeks the man’s condition also declined. He passed quickly. The nurses heard him carrying on conversations all the time with an unseen guest. One night shortly before he passed Pearl visited him once again and asked how he was doing. The man told her that he was alright, everything would be fine. Roger had visited him and told him that even though he would be passing soon there was nothing to fear.
The next shift Pearl worked she found that the man had indeed passed. As she talked to another nurse about the incident the nurse reported that on the night of the mans death he had been carrying on a conversation with someone who was not there. According to the nurse the last words he had said were, “OK Roger, I’m ready.”
Did the Roger continue his rounds cheering up a fellow patient and escort him onto the other side?

It is shown that experiences come from all walks of life. These paranormal experiences have been reported for centuries. I believe that something that has been written about for so long has to be true. I know it is true. I have lived it for over thirty years. I do not understand it and I will keep trying to figure it out. Thanks     theblogmeister

Monday, May 30, 2011

An Unknown Visit

Usually when I am in the midst of a visit from the colonel it is he that visits me. Many times I have awakened to strange noises only to be met by the colonel himself. I still have not figured out what message he is trying to relay to me. At first, the message was clear, fear. It is like he wanted me to know that he could instill pure terror when he chose. He has been good at that, too. For the longest, he did not say a word to me, he just wanted me to experience fear. Is he doing that to pay me back? All I did was do something that he was too afraid to do himself. The first few years after I had done what he had wished, the nightmares were frequent and terrifying. It has been that way up until about five years ago. I really believe that is when things started changing. I would be awaken from a deep sleep to a loud noise. Things began to be more reality than fantasy. I would be awake and hear the bathroom door close, thinking it was my wife I would go check on her. The bathroom light would be on with the door closed and I would call out her name without an answer. I would then check the bedroom and find her sleeping, peacefully. This was something new. Never before had the colonel manipulated an inanimate object. I would open the bathroom door to find it empty. I did not open the door or turn on the light. My wife did not do it, either. This began many strange things that happened in our house. It reached a point where I would see someone out of the corner of my eye and could tell that someone was watching me. My fear was for my wife. I had a talk with her about it and she was not afraid. I believe that fear was its motivator, its fuel. Most of the strange things happened to me and did not involve my wife. I am a man but I gotta tell you that some things scared the living shit out of me. This must have gone on for a couple years before the night came when I made contact with the colonel. He looked as he had in 1978 and his breath smelled like the cancer that ate him up. He was standing in my living room and asked , "Why do you fear me?" My heart was beating so fast. I asked him what he said. He repeated his question. My fear turned to anger. I was about to cuss his ass out when he disappeared. The chickenshit. All these years he had been scaring the hell out of me and my wife and he had the balls to ask me why I feared him. I figured that anger is his kryptonite while fear is his fuel. I had times to test my theory. I am not as smart as I thought I was.   theblogmeister