The human brain is a mysterious and almost uncharted realm. Despite the many technological advances and discoveries human beings have made, the human brain is still a mystifying entity. It is the most complex of most organs, the most powerful among them, as well. So many questions regarding the human brain are still left unanswered. We sometimes underestimate the power of the human brain, of the many potentials and capabilities it can do. Human brain power is almost impossible to describe and discern. What is it really, and how important is it to human beings?
Brain power is the source of a person's intelligence, talents and potentials which is hardwired into one's brain. It has the power to do millions of things: it has the power to learn a language, perceive right from wrong, assess beauty and remember thousands of things all at the same time.How powerful is human brain power really? It is almost impossible to answer that question, but the closest estimation may be that of a supercomputer.
To improve brain power, we must have a general understanding of how our brains work. Our brains are built for novelty. Learning new skills and information is actually fun for our brains. But once the novelty of a certain stimulus becomes familiar, we tend to become bored and treat we begin to treat that a certain stimulus as a routine. This can be explained by a learning pattern that we humans learned long ago through habituation. For our complex minds, once a certain activity becomes a regiment, it simply isn't fun anymore.
We can learn the different ways on how to use our mentality properly through Mind Power Training. The popularity of the brain's ability is now as powerful and as in demand as the training itself. There are many different training programs we can find from a lot of resources. Learning these will help us control our life. If we would learn the different techniques of brain power, we will be able to get what we want. It is much easier to fulfill our goals now if we get to learn how to use the abilities of our mind.
What can our mind powers actually do? There are a lot of things about our mind that we have yet to be discovered. Many researches have been conducted and some hypotheses were already proven. The brain is the main control center of our body. It has the capacity to do many things. It controls our body and directs us what the body should be doing.
The brain power that we humans possess is one of the most helpful and formidable tools at our disposal. No other animal has the potential to achieve the things that the human mind has created. Paintings, musical compositions, computers, and automobiles are just some of the things that we take for granted but would not have had we been, well, dumber. We only have a few genetic differences from apes, but that difference gives us Einstein, Mozart, and Shakespeare.The performance measure of the brain goes up to millions of suspended point operations per second. Certainly computers can do faster computation and mathematics than humans, but this does not make them any more superior to the human brain. For starters, the computer brain is mainly computational and operational, which acts on a task that they were programmed for. The human brain is cognitive, built primarily for the purpose of learning. In terms of other factors such as psychology and physiology, no one does it better than the human brain. Of course, brain power varies from person to person.
There are a lucky few who are blessed with supernatural memory and extraordinary intellectual abilities. True, there are some who are born with superior intellectual abilities, but it doesn't mean that the rest of the human population cannot develop or awaken one's brain potential. Superior brain power does not depend on one's brain structure, inheritance of intellect from parents, or more. Rather, it is on learning how to tap your brain's unlimited potential and capabilities into activation or dormancy.
Most people assume that human brain power decreases and wanes as one gets older. They just assume that this 'weakness' of brain power is a natural part of aging, but this isn't exactly the case. There are many ways to keep your brain alert and sharp even at a much older age. Fend off forgetfulness and memory loss by practicing simple brain techniques regularly. One technique to maintain brain power is to by learning a lot of things you previously do not know. Learn a new language, take up a new skill or hobby, and enroll yourself to a new course. By learning something new, your brain creates new neuron connections and stimulates the brain. Another technique is by challenging one's mind. Keep your mind active by performing mental tasks everyday. If you want to improve on a talent or ability, repeat and practice over and over many times a day to strengthen one's mind. Lastly, maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise to improve brain power.
Brain injury can sometimes cause permanent changes in physical abilities, behavior and cognition. These changes are related to the area of the brain that is injured. The following outlines some of the common changes in behavior that may occur as a result of brain injury.
Frontal Lobe Brain Injury:
Difficulty performing tasks in sequence
Decreased spontaneity in interactions with others
Inability to think flexibly
Perseveration (a persistent single thought)
Problems with attendance (focusing on task)
Mood lability (changes in mood)
Social behavior changes
Personality changes
Decreased ability to problem solve
Brocas aphasia (difficulty expressing language)
Parietal Lobe Brain Injury:
Inability to pay attention to more than one object simultaneously
Anomia (inability to give an object its appropriate name)
Agraphia (inability to find the appropriate words for writing)
Alexia (difficulty reading)
Difficulty drawing objects
Difficulty in distinguishing left from right
Dyscalculia (difficulty in performing math activities)
Apraxia (lack of awareness of surrounding space or body parts)
Inability to focus attention visually
Decreased hand/eye coordination
Occipital Lobe Brain Injury:
Visual defects
Difficulty in finding objects in the environment
Color agnosia (difficulty differentiating colors)
Illusions (seeing objects inaccurately)
Difficulty recognizing words (word blindness)
Inability to recognize objects that are drawn
Movement agnosia (difficulty in recognizing an objects movement)
Deceased ability to write and read
Temporal Lobe Brain Injury:
Prosopagnosia (inability to recognize faces)
Wernickes aphasia (inability to comprehend spoken words)
Difficulty recognizing objects
Short term memory loss
Difficulty remembering long term effects
Increased/decreased sexual interest
Persistent talking (only in damage to right temporal lobe)
Increased aggression
Brain Stem Injury:
Difficulty breathing/dependence on mechanical ventilation
Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
Balance/movement problems
Sleep difficulties
Cerebellum Brain Injury:
In coordination of fine movements
Inability to walk
Inability to change directions rapidly
Slurred speech
Sometimes it can be difficult to sort out symptoms related to brain injury and symptoms which may be due to other factors that may be affecting the patient, such as use of medications, the loss of employment, financial stressors, ongoing legal issues, personal relationship issues and other health problems.
I thought it would be important since I am talking so much about the brain that I should give a little lesson on how our brain works. theblogmeister
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