Thursday, July 14, 2011

Am I Losing My Mind?

The question has come up, before. Am I losing it? What I have been through and what I have seen should make any sane person question his or her sanity. I am still having the nightmares that plagued me for years. I try to make sense of it all, with not much luck. I honestly believe that there is some kind of unexplained power that exists in my sub-consciousness. I have literally sat and spoke with the colonel after decades of his earthly death. For some reason, I have scared him off to the point he has reverted back to the days when his death occured. I know how close he and his wife, Bunny, were while they were a part of this dimension. Has he not been able to reach her? Is he stuck between dimensions that do not allow him the ability to interact with his beloved wife? These are answers that I cannot give. If only he would come to me, as he did before, he may be able to tell me why he has not passed on. I have had many friends and family that have died and they seem to have passed through to the other dimension.My brother who died in 1989 has seemd to have had no problem leaving this dimension and yet he still visits me from time to time. Whether they are dreams or actual visits, I have no way of knowing. There are too many questions that I have no answer. I believe in a higher power and angels that look after us but I don't know how it all fits in. I have no doubt in my mind that there is a heaven and one day those that believe that Jesus is the son of God an if you believe that God sent Jesus to give the ones that accept him we will have eternal life. I also am being pulled in different directions by Lucifer and I believe that he that is in you is gtreater than he that is in the world. It will be a joyous day when God says it is time to go home to live in a hew heaven. I believe thqat you will be known as you are known. We will be together with those that have gone before us. There will be one great fight against good and evil and good will be the victor. theblogmeisteer

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