Thursday, August 12, 2010

Draft Status

I am not sure what the problem of the post that I published to warrant a 'draft status' feature. Someone was offended by parts or all of the story that was told. I understand that it is my responsibility to not write anything that will be derogatory or defame any race, religious belief, sexual preferences, all the while asserting my first amendment right of free speech. Unfortunately, the person I offended did not attempt to reach me to state his reason of the offense. It may have been the actual owner of my blog, I sent them an email and apologized for what ever it was that I had done wrong. It may be hard not to repeat the offense because of that lack of knowledge. I will certainly try. If I offend any reader please go to my profile and get my email and let me know. I am trying to connect to anyone that may have or have been diagnosed with PTSD. The only person that can relate to my story is someone who may have partially lived my story. You would be surprised to find there are quite a few that can relate and can find ways to help each other. The last thing I want to do is offend my audience. I want ease, not dis-ease. thanks, theblogmeister

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